Manipulating Inline Content
exposes a number of functions to interact with the currently selected content.
Partial Inline Content
When retrieving inline content from the editor, you always receive complete InlineContent
For updating or creating inline content, you don't need to pass all properties, and you can use a PartialInlineContent
type instead:
type PartialLink = {
type: "link";
content: string | StyledText[];
href: string;
type PartialInlineContent = string | (string | PartialLink | StyledText)[];
Inserting Inline Content
You can insert inline content using the following function:
insertInlineContent(content: PartialInlineContent)
// Usage
"Hello ",
{ type: "text", text: "World", styles: { bold: true } }
Accessing Styles
You can get the styles at the current Text Cursor Position using the following function:
getActiveStyles(): Styles;
// Usage
const styles = editor.getActiveStyles();
If a Selection is active, this function returns the active styles at the end of the selection.
Adding Styles
You can add styles to the currently selected text using the following function:
addStyles(styles: Styles): void;
// Usage
editor.addStyles({ textColor: "red" });
Removing Styles
You can remove styles from the currently selected text using the following function:
removeStyles(styles: Styles): void;
// Usage
editor.removeStyles({ bold: true });
Toggling Styles
You can toggle styles on the currently selected text using the following function:
toggleStyles(styles: Styles): void;
// Usage
editor.toggleStyles({ bold: true, italic: true });
Accessing Selected Text
You can get the currently selected text using the following function:
getSelectedText(): string;
// Usage
const text = editor.getSelectedText();
Accessing Selected Link
You can get the URL of the link in the current selection the following function:
getSelectedLink(): string | undefined;
// Usage
const linkUrl = editor.getSelectedLink();
If there are multiple links in the selection, this function only returns the last one's URL. If there are no links, returns undefined
Creating a Link
You can create a new link using the following function:
createLink(url: string, text?: string): void;
// Usage
editor.createLink("", "BlockNote");
If a Selection is active, the new link will replace the currently selected content.